Restaurants, Taverns, Ice Cream Shops, and Local Taverns

Beer, wine, cocktails... you just need to choose!
and very imporant... you are in the capital of the SPRITZ so if you haven't had it yet.. surley you want to try it here! we are also making different versions of it, in 2024 it just got out the limoncello one.. don't miss you, it blows your mind!
LAB 16
Un modo divertente, veloce e interattivo per visitare le principali attrazioni di Bologna! Guarda la mappa e parti alla scoperta! Una volta arrivato al “segreto” clicca sul link qui sotto per scoprire cosa stai vedendo e che segreto ci sia da scoprire!
At each secrets you'll see somenthing with historical revelance (archways, palaces, churches) and you'll be challenge to do or see somenthing in order to reveal its secrets!
we suggest to start with the 3 ARROWS secrets, the closest to us and on which (if you're our guest) we have a competion going on... find all the 3 arrows, send us 1 picture with it and win an overnight with us for you or anyone of your choise!
to avoid the queue at "Finestrella" relax yourself with a cappuccino on roof of OPERA CAFFÈ E TULIPANI and pretend you're in Venice... same beauty but few tourists 😉
Just a few steps from the walls you can already immerse yourself in the greenery. Le Serre is a very popular place in the city and there is a really “nice vibe”
Here is a map with the walks inside the natural park of VILLA GHIGI, go up to the villa and enjoy a beautiful panoramic view of the city!
The entrance to the park is located in Via Martucci
And if you're passing by our city on FRIDAY or SATURDAY-- don''t miss our big open vintage market: LA PIAZZOLA. It takes place in PIAZZA VII AGOSTO.. you'll find in the bottom part (the square) very cheap item and on the top (the park) some vintage ones. Enjoy your shopping!
Interested in learning the stories of our city? Take a look at these tours…